The 2016 POTUS Debate Thread

Why should she have to go to prison? She didn’t break the law. It is known.

trump is a fool. yelling into your microphone while your opponent is mid-sentence makes you look like a fool and an amateur. he even interrupted her to agree with her at times.

also, the fact that he pounded the table so hard on stop and frisk, while a great idea in concept, but a highly racist one in action, while being questioned by an african american made everyone uncomfortable. the mod was like, so you’re racist against black men, and trump was like, hillary is racist too! look at her! she’s white!

I saw zero bias, they were asked some simple questions, and each given time to answer.


The guy has mental issues, he really is not able to make coherent points, and he is not able to sense when he has gone off. That whole babbling about having a great temperament, while demonstrating an unstable temperament?? Clinton just poked him lightly a few times, he lost control, then she let him babble on and destroy himself. Very nice moves on her part.

Hillary won, Trump looked even more foolish than I thought possible, America loses!

After the debate, when the candidates families walked onstage, it was easy to determine which one I most identified with and furthermore, which one I’d rather belong to if given a choice.

One family clearly shows strong ties and love for one another while the other demonstrates consistent distrust, chicanery, and unbridled political ambition. Trump would be a hard father to work for, but I could be proud there. With the Clinton family, I would be embarrassed to be associated with two people who have brought shame, not only upon themselves and their family name, but on their entire country.

Donald does want to bang his daughter, so I’d say they’re pretty tight.

Some people’s perceptions are very strange. indecision

This statement invalidates any point you are trying to make in this thread. The bias was not significant and could have been easily overcome by a disciplined, skilled debater, but is was still present. The fact that you “saw zero bias” demonstrates that you are incapable seeing beyond your own bias.

Difficult to say who is who.

Have you ever seen the HBO series “VEEP”? Clinton’s interaction with Chelsea draws similar resemblance to the mother daughter relationship on that show.

Such an embarrassing night for our country. What a disaster. How did it ever get to this point?

^ hate to say it but it comes down to the population.

I love these recaps.

Gary Johnson was the clear winner of this debate.

Trump started off well but quickly spun himself out. Hillary did a phenomenal job in not reacting to his outburst or engage him by taunting him back. Trump is an excellent counter-puncher and brilliant with one liners but it only works when someone is feeding that behavior. Overall it’s Clinton’s election to lose.

Then he was grilled on Bloomberg this morning for not being “presidential.” I admire the amount of restraint GJ showed during the interview. Really, not presidential in this race? Pretty sure Ed Gein is as presidential as Hillary or Trump.

Yup, it’s bad. It’s a reflection of the general population; decades of deteriorating physical and mental health, and a worsening of their financial situation.

I’ve been saying this forever, a country is its people. The American “plan” has been to cannibalize the people’s well-being to maximize corporate profits…well congratulations they have “succeeded” in that. So now what? Where do you go from here, with this insane population, and random insane people sampled from the population, who run for leadership of the mental institution?

Shrug, it’s f@#%4d. Dead end society.


purealpha was the winner of the debate

Trump had his ass handed to him the whole night. This that say he was strongest in the first half hour show the low bar as he failed to provide coherent answers to any questions (how to you bring company’s and jobs back to this country being one example). His shallow intellectual depth means never getting beyond “the sky is falling” and only I can make it better. His rambling, angry, circular, and pointless remarks speak for themselves. LMAO at griping about biased moderators, “faulty” mikes, and now today’s bogus twitter poll posts as his internet army of bots tries to clean up the spilt milk lolol.