The best way to energy up for studying is?

Less junk food and more wholesome home prepared meals with less preservatives and oil, fat, etc is a great way to start. Basically eat all the good for you food you’ve been avoiding all your life. The less energy your body spends on digesting it (transfats etc), the more energy you’ll have to study.

As for the banana vs krispy kreme, I know which I’d prefer to eat but that’s also the one that makes me tired. I never sugar crash on bananas.

I make sure my studying is effective, and my time is tailored to my attention span. I find after 1.5hrs, my attention is pretty shot so I get up after 1hr, walk around and grab some water/tea/milk for 10 mins, then get back to it. During L3 I spent my ten minutes driving around NYC in GTA4 and wrecking chaos. That usually got my fidgeti-ness sorted out. It’s all about effective studying.

In retrospect I’m surprised too. It certainly indicates something about my caffeine tolerance at the time. But at the time it felt (and was) necessary.

All in the past now that the exams are vanquished - evenings are now for beer and wine, not coffee. Weekend readings are fiction and Margin of Safety/Security Analysis, not efficient market rubbish. Life after the CFA is good.

Just remember to be on the same substances while taking the test that you took while studying. Memory recall is much better when you’re in the same state of mind. Ever lose something when drunk? You’ll have a better chance of finding it next time you drink.

So, if you need energy to study the obvious answer is meth. Just be sure you’re tweaking during the exam too. Don’t worry. The proctors won’t notice as long as you don’t start gnawing on your desk.

haha my friend who went to college in Cali said the only way he got through school was crystal meth. I laughed and always thought he was joking until one day his veneer fell off his front side tooth and he looked like a hillbilly with that little yellow stump. Yeah you’ll pass the exam but those veneers are 10k a pop.

Doing empty stomach Yoga (deep breathings basically) even for 10 mins, could do wonders for concentrating a couple of hours!

And Yes, eating light and sleeping for 7 hours a day always help!

Sleep. Lots of it.

^ Too much and you feel sluggish.

Eating light is ok but get a lot if vegetables in and apples help as well. The heavy, fatty, high calorie foods will definitely slow you down unless you’re doing some heavy exercise.