The Wikileaks Thread


But just look at any major city that’s been led by democratic mayors for the last couple decades. The “urban” environment has improved dramatically, right? Right???

^ Exactly!

Don’t forget about handicapped children who were Easter Egg hunting at the governor’s mansion. “When are they going to get those f***ing _ retards _ out of here?” ~HRC


i see your tin foil hat is fastened securely. Cant wait til some interesting stuff comes out though


meant to post this in this thread


anything good yet, kinda boring to be honest

Tin foil? What are you, 95?

Crooked news network protecting crooked Hillary. Sad!



Stop with the conspiracy theories TF. Whatever happens happens. If they take out Assange certainly there will be blowback its not like a bunch of /r/The_Donald posters are going to change the course of events from their parents basement. I would be pretty upset if they “took him out” but would also like to see whats in those files, the DNC leaks have still been not exciting enough. I want to see some movie level stuff!

I thought it was Bernie supporters who live in their parents’ basements.

I like how right wingers are depending upon the hospitality of a left wing government.

I like how you support the assassination of a private citizen by our government because he does things the government doesn’t like. Very republican of you.

They also do. I am not sure if you have spent much time on /r/The_Donald but it is basically a early 20’s Trump meme sh*tshow of interesting individuals, its not your average middle aged white male Trump voter, like reddit in general it skews younger

Yea I am not sure why he has seemed so pro killing Assange, its weird. If Assange has real dirt I would love to see it. Killing someone like that is ridiculous.