
What is new is the mass immigration of unskilled workers into welfare states that offer benefits in size the World has never seen. This phenonom has been growing exponentially over the last 50 years. Grab your popcorn. The math will get interesting. Those that have to compete with the flood of labor will not be happy and the tax bases will be strained.

I’m 100% sure that North America is better off today than in 1800.

Definitely not better than when tribes were in constant battle with each other. Imagine the entertainment.

Not sure if you asked Native Americans they would say the same. Also taking someones land because “they will be better off that way” is a rather ridiculous imperialistic idea.

Well, for the potential descendents of all those Indians who were killed, it’s certainly not better off. It’s just better today for the immigrants and their descendents.

i’m fairly positive he was referring to the Irish. look at Boston. corned beef and cabbage everywhere. that diet is terrible. it’s destroying america.

Well, we continue to take people’s resources daily. In fact, the 15th will be the final confiscation of my “land” for the 2015 calender year. I love this romantic idea of the American Indian. As if they were a homogenous group living peacefully. They constantly battled each other for territory as they moved around. Strength and war has always determined boundaries. And always will. Nothing unique about a certain group of Europeans taking control of North American. It wasn’t the white man as a group. Just a convenient lazy narrative. And their lives are just about infinitely easier. You might want to read “The Rational Optimist.” And then you may begin to understand how almost everyone on the planet is better off today.

love this romantic idea of the American Indian. As if they were a homogenous group living peacefully.

Same one may conclude for human race as a whole. Is there area when some homogenous group live peacufully at least without hostility towards neibhour homogenous group? I would say no in recent decades.

So, white man came accross the sea to to rescue the Indians from themselves, LOL! It is known hostorical fact from which white man nations came the colonizers…

Never knew the “white man” was a homogenous group with common goals. Wow, you’re right though, as I remember my history, I’m having a hard time thinking of a case when all Caucasians were not united. They really do represent a common cause. The reference isn’t the result of a lazy ignorant mind after all.

Well, for the purposes of this discussion, the “white man” is a homologous group of foreign colonists. So if it is more palatable, we can rephrase the argument as “if North America had not been colonized” or something like that.

It is certainly arguable that today’s Indians are better off than they would have been without the US (which we assume is a product of colonization). However, this has to be weighed against the Indians who died during colonization, and the subsequent lost generations of descendents. Everyone on the planet might be better off today, but to some extent, this is “taken” from people who died while we got to this point.

All your ancestors were once immigrants. Now you’re talking about mass deportations of immigrants although former natives (Indians) did not massively deport your ancestors even though they had reason to. First of all usurped their land and destroyed the manner in which they lived before their arrival. It’s funny what a distortion of historical facts. At the end, mass of those immigrants would not have been in Europe today at all if your govermnet had not touched the Middle East. Good tip would be if the EU can load all of those onto ships and send 'em to the US.

wait what… are we talking indians or injuns?..

So far through my area passed almost 700,000 “Indians”. Fortunately they just pass away and shout: “Jermany, Jermany!”. Behind them there is a lot of gardbage.

Just imagine how wonderful the world would be without America. Do you long for the 1941 occupation? Where is this utopia where land rights are established by descent? Always by war or negotiation, whether humans or animals. If you’d like “my” land, come and get. Wait, some are already trying. Maybe you can join forces. And you might want to study up on American history. Any idea what almost caused the American Indian to become extinct?


95% of American Indians were killed by disease.

Yeah, damn Micks!

Americans are as a woman after 20 years of marriage, no one can without her because she carries the important processes, but won’t exactly to see her to mess everywhere. I think primarily on the US establishment. It is not referred to Americans as individuals. Also, I consider US world no.1 today in all aspects of management and it is proved by this course which I am following currently (just in the field of portfolio management). Unfortunately Americans often feel that the world begins and ends with 'em and that everyone in the world are thinking in the same manner as they do and this is a general wrong opinion. Howhg! I’m talking about.


Diseases brought over by Europeans. Similar to how when a new species is introduced to an ecosystem it can become invasive and cause problems for the wildlife currently there.

Also, if that doesn’t work, smallpox blankets will.


Alchoholism is not a disease.


It actually is