Walter Palmer: Big game Hunter

read between the lines folks. he didn’t take joy in killing the lion, he was paid to bring lion teeth back to Minnesota to insert into some weird hipster’s mouth. this is clearly a problem about hipsters.

Rumble in the Jungle 2. Cecil Jrs. Vs. Jericho.

As a result of his death though, conservation experts say it is now highly likely that all Cecil’s recently born cubs will now be killed by the next lion in the hierarchy, Jericho – so that he can insert his own bloodline into the females.

What he did was clearly illegal. I am not so sure about the ethics part of it (besides the attempt at cover-up.)

Why is it bad to kill a lion? Because it’s a celebrity?

Male lions kill each other all the time, take over the loser’s pride and kill his cubs to induce the females into heat. That’s what they do. If Cecil had died of a lightning strike, it would be the same story, you can’t blame the idiot dentist for that aspect.

As for killing for food being OK, what BS. You can eat pretty well without killing animals - be an ovo-lacto-vegeterian. Less stress on the environment too. Obviously I am talking about “normal” parts of the world where such food is not scarce. If you are an eskimo or out in the Bush in Australia, you have my permission to kill for food.

Killing is killing. If you are OK cutting a cow’s throat so you can satisfy your craving for steak, big deal if someone else kills a lion to satisfy his blood thirst.

I don’t trust a man that doesn’t eat meat. Next thing he’ll tell me he lets his wife drive when they ride together.

I was mistaken about the lion story (see my edit). But, this harkens back to the story about the rhino that made much bigger news seeing has how there are way fewer rhinos. In that particular case, the rhino was going to be killed anyway, so why not raise money doing so? Seriously, please come up with a reason why killing a rhino by letting a park official shot it for free is better than charging a crazy dude from Texas $500k to do it?

People get overly emotional when talking about trophy hunting and big game hunting in particular. As I believe I’ve clearly stated, I’m personally against trophy hunting, but I try not to judge those that partake in legal, sanctioned trophy hunting. Libtards that immediately go into bleeding heart mode over hunting any animal that weighs more than they do (no one seems to care about duck hunting), often don’t have the first clue about the animals they’re trying to protect. They simply see “there’s no possible way killing an animal is good for the species as a whole.” That’s an ignorant, asinine statement.

That’s how I feel.

I’ll also add, my facebook feed has been full of people complaing, especially women. “OMG he payed to shoot an animal to hang the head on his wall OMG!”

Well how is that different from you paying to have a cow or an alligator killed and stiched into a handbag? You want to kill a guy, who killed a lion for sport but you wanna strut around with a purse and shoes made of the skin of a dead animal? GTFO!


Yeah. Agree. Personally I love that this story went viral and that hopefully his professional life is over because he has a wierd obsession with killing helpless endangered animals for sport.

sounds like a cop from Cincinnati

If your prey isn’t human, you’re not BSD.

Go eat some Kale.

Spinach is better for you, as is parsley (Tabooli! Yum!); even romaine lettuce is better for you than kale.

This post is stupid on so many levels.

I am also satisfied that there will be consequences for that piece of shit. At the very least he will have people spit in his face a few times in the next few months.

Base case : he gets ostracised in his town, loses friends, has to sell his clinic at a heavy discount and start over some other place.

Best case I : the above + he falls into depression, starts drinking, his wife divorces him, his kids don’t want to see him again and he just ends up committing suicide living in poverty, alone.

Best case II : this one has 0.000001 % chance of happening but it would be awesome : animal rights activists get him to get convicted for poaching in zimbabwe and the US government to extradite him there for a couple of years in jail, where he gets infected with HIV.

It’s a lion people! I won’t loose any sleep over it. And I’m absolutely baffled at the bleeding hearts on this forum. We’re financiers who rationally allocate capital in order to create wealth. Since when did PETA and saving the fcking manatees become a primary aspect? There were six murders in Chicago this week alone and no one bats an eye. One murdered lion gets everyone all worked up.

Enjoy your kale.


I guess I you are right in the sense that we are indeed desensitised when it comes to people dying.

But following this logic, since there isn’t anything worse than people dying, it implies that any concern or outrage about anything other than murder isn’t valid ?

I see your point HP and STL. It’s difficult to discern but I think there is a difference in buying a product from an animal already dead (impersonal, hopefully properly sourced) and going out to kill an animal just to say you shot it (mostly wasteful). I understand this point leaves an obvious counterargument that dead is dead and it really doesn’t matter - but this isn’t entirely true bc now you get into the territory of making sure the products you buy and food you eat are sustainably sourced like killing a cow and having all parts used for food and goods. I mean the guy took an animal just to have it collect dust above his mantle, that’s pretty wasteful. but i think people are probably pissed off bc lions are pretty majestic and it doesn’t really take a big man to trick an animal and shoot at it.


i’m not against this much, but i think poachers should have to go mano e mano with their targets. at least use a spear or something. and no elevated vehicles. if it was a fair fight, nobody would be complaining. they’d be commending him. wuss.

Hmmm…a guy I don’t know, a lion I’ve never heard of, and a country I can’t pronounce.

If there was ever anything I cared about less than this, I can’t think of it right now.