What % of the people you mostly hang around are fit?

Most colleagues in the office are either avid lifters, into crossfit, or endurance athletes (marathon runners, hard core hiking).

Other than that – about 75% in shape, the rest have great personalities

Pffft. You are right!!

What kind of exercise is recommended to the pirate crew?


better than extreme flatuation I suppose

We don’t do that remember ? :slight_smile:

ps: why is everyone picking on my spelling today?

^Too bad mythbusters are off the air

A lot of people would consider themselves fit and brag about how they ran a 5k over the weekend but by looking at them they have a gut , eat like shit and probably couldn’t even do 10 pull-ups.

I read that, and at first I thought it was flatulence.

There are some people between whom I would flatulate.

10 dead hang , no-kip pull-ups is pretty challenging for many. Most can’t even do more than a few if any good form dead hang pull-ups.

Maybe ‘fit’ could be defined as passing the minimum military standards for push-ups, sit-ups, and run. If not all three, just the run hopefully.

I imagine that 99% of the population can’t do 10 Marine-style pull-ups.

Hell, even when I was in the Marines, doing 10 pull-ups was a challenge.
