Which one of y'all did it?

I know of him…Now.

This chick probably wants to raise her public profile by putting down some douchey hedge fund cat on the internet. Female rage only explains part of this behavior. I’m sure this image will boost her profile among some segment of the artsy hipster population.

Sure. You can sue anyone for anything. But…despite what the libs say, there is no such thing as a right to privacy. So long as what is said is true, there is very little that can be done as recourse.

Libel and slander are some of the hardest cases to win.

Whoa, just realized she has a webpage. I am looking for someone to play an outraged bartender in my latest play, so I may reach out.

Also, her clicks just went through the roof.

The IF is everything. An attorney I know laughs at most of the libel/slander cases he sees filed. It’s damn hard to prove that a lie someone published caused hardship. And if it is true, you have close to no case.

And privacy protection is a myth. Think back to the M&A Leak in my situation awhile back. Despite all the confidentially contracts and NDAs signed, someone leaked it to the WSJ, and the WSJ would not reveal who leaked it under the protection of the 1st.

Do you think that drunk real estate Dbag knows him?

Burden of proof is on her, not him. This is an easy case for him to win.

I’m sure this place probably has footage, no? If i were him, and i didn’t do said acts, i would go after not only her but the media that picks up stories like this without actually digging into it. Both his firm, and himself, are tarnished for this and i think repercussions are justified if he is innocent.


Umm… guess which one :wink:

I think it’s more common than you think for recent grads, for various reasons.

I never thought of Lucky Strike as having a bar or bar scene. There’s a little bar area in the front, but it’s more of a waiting for your table to open type of spot. No tv hanging in the corner, and not really a full service bartender who would chat you up, more of a purely functional position I believe. Not really a place you would go unless you were having dinner with someone at a table.

With that said, the Roast Chicken is rather good there, along with the potatoes and rosemary garnish. Of course the soft yellow lighting, and the french interior invoke standard romance and if you look in the mirrors which adorn the back room, you just might see the passing reflection of say, Humphrey Bogart in a cloud of cigarette smoke.

Last time I was there, a few years ago, me and my date overheard a conversation at another table between a guy, maybe in his late 40’s, and some younger lady… and they were chatting about art (oil painting), and the man mentioned to her the commonplace story about ‘Van Gogh cutting off his ear’, but he set it up as if it was something unbeknownst to anyone, and that he was privy, learned, and groundbreaking in mentioning this to his her. You could tell that she tried her best to feign exclamation in her response. Thereupon an awkward silence ensued in which she dug into her salad, seemingly nose deep.

Of course, after leaving the restaurant, my date said, “Oh, did you know that Van Gogh–” We both laughed.

What is the redeeming value of this ”gothamist” publication? Every story I’ve read appears to be little more than an avenue to express righteous indignation at someone in NYC’s bad behavior. I thought new Yorkers were supposed to have thick skin

My thoughts on this:

  1. If he groped her, he’s a massive douche

  2. She’s as much of a douche as him for posting it online. Her post is dripping with the kind of entitlement she seems to hate from the people she is employed to serve.

  3. It really fucking pains me that people will read that and not realise he works for some shitty hacksaw firm

  4. I think the only reason this particular case pushed her over the line into shaming him was the fact that she googled him and she thinks he’s some big shot Hedge Fund Manager.

  5. $2 to put some ice in a glass and pour a shot of vodka over it is more than enough.

  6. Tip guides should be banned, had a few servers circle the tip guide for me before giving me the cheque. On one occasion when I had had to ask for the cheque twice because she’d forgotten. gave 0 tip.

Most people aren’t BSD finance types, unlike the fine folk here at AF. To someone working bars in between acting gigs, any stable finance job is BSD-ish.

One thing I’ve noticed over time, it tends to be the mediocre people who are the most loud and douchey about the trappings of success, crying out things like “do you know who I am” or “my dad owns half of Manhattan” or “This is a genuine copy of a fake Rolex right here!”

I don’t have the data to prove it, but I highly suspect that true BSDs don’t actually need to say anything to establish themselves.

Similar to what I’ve observed in the dance communities… it’s always the non-beginner-but-mediocre partners who are busy telling you “you should do this, and that, and the other.” It seems that if you need to be loud and brash, you aren’t really all that good.

The merits of each gothamist article vary. However, this particular story provides a preview for when this woman inevitably appears on Bang Bus, and I will be able to say “hey, that is the girl”.

The guy might work for a firm that people consider “hacksaw”, but I have a feeling that as the CEO of even an unknown firm, he might not be doing too bad…

Word, homes.

I’m not sure why the rush to get into an “elite” organization that pays slave wages, when you could just as easily be a BMOC at a smaller campus.

It’s just gossip site. Dealbreaker is the same only it’s exclusively gossip about people in finance.

no pics of the chick makes this article useless.

She has her own website. Second sentence of the article. Her name is clickable.