Why you failed with band 9/10 in CFA exams??

Rahul and Igor are the same person.

if true, i’m not sure if that would be more funny or disturbing.

id kill myself if i resembled roy in any way shape or form

I would kill my entire family (along with myself) if i were similar to you in any way whatsoever.

Q: Why you failed with band 9/10 in CFA exams?

My answer: because 45 days before the real exam, you are engaged in such the time-wasting dispute with a cyber person that you may never meet/encounter for the rest of your real life.

P/s: it entertains us though…hehe

I agree.

If you want to avoid 9/10 band and failing then you should continue doing above 72% in the mock tests of CFAI. It hurts more than if you fail at say band of 6/10 .

This thread is hilarious.

Russians/Eastern European women are generally hairier than the men

Another approach is to avoid studying altogether: you’re pretty much guaranteed you won’t get a band 9 or 10.

If you score a band 9/10, then it means that you scored in the top decile or two deciles of all who those who did not pass exam. It means that you must study harder and study more quantitatively to pass exam.

I therefore request all candidates to not fail band 9/10 because it makes more pain than if you were to fail band 6 or so.

A well structured version of edupristine’s advice?


I am done with you igor.

before youre done and taking a loo on the street can you post another joke in the WC…adios

I have a bath room in my home…i guess you don’t have…

@Igor:I think we should stop our childish fights right now.We are providing free enjoyment for others at the expense of our selves.

Lets stop it.

OMG, this thread is has me ROFLing.

Wow, am I ever glad I decided to click on this thread! Please don’t stop the childish fight.