Halloween and my firm

Hello again,

So two days ago an e mail was circulated around the firm and has caught some attention. Usually I do like to dress up for Halloween, but I really was not planning on it this year, seeing as how it falls on a Monday, and I didn’t think our firm culture allowed it. However, since this e mail, sent by some girl in HR, I think, everyone is talking about what their costume will be.

In the past I have always leaned towards “funny” instead of “scary”. In my 1L year in law school I was Contracts Jesus (quotes from the Contracts law book instead of the bible, ha…ha…). Another year I did “Dick-in-a-box”, Justin Timberlake’s character from his SNL skit. I don’t think those ideas would be appropriate here. My next go-to-costume was Wilfred, from the show “Wilfred” (amazing show in any case). However, I am not sure how my managing partner would take me sitting there in a dog costume. Not to mention the Q3 board meeting is on Nov. 2nd, so tensions are slightly more tense.

Everyone else is doing the typical, Vampire, Nurse or Ghost thing. Anyone have any ideas or tips?

If you like LMFAO, go as this homie. http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/276811_194993033884513_4072790_n.jpg SFW.

You should go as this (SFW): http://cdn-i.dmdentertainment.com/cracked/img/articles/hallopan/mjp-20-.jpg

Alternatively: http://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-media/product-gallery/B003G4IM4S/ref=cm_ciu_pdp_images_all

http://videogum.com/31871/the_best_moviebased_costume_iv/fan-art/ from say anything

I was an original Oompa Loompa a few years back and it was a pretty big hit. Also hard to go wrong dressing up as the other sex, unless of course you do that on a regular basis anyway so no one will know it’s a costume.

I heard, Anthony Weiner is the most popular character this Halloween.

Since you work at a law firm(i’m assuming), it’s pretty safe for you to go as an Occupy Wallstreet protestor.

You could go as an honest lawyer. Just kidding (kind of). What about famous lawyers like Johnnie Cochran or something?

I work at a small PE firm. I ended up just doing Wilfred. Spent $ 100.00, so might as well. Everyone laughed at it. Not sure if they were laughing at me or with me. By the way, horrible suggestions. Shame!

You dressed up as Wilfred in a giant dog costume? Obviously everyone was laughing AT you, not with you… no shame on those funny suggestions, shame on you for being so lame hahah