Passing score on level 2

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What’s a passing score for level 2? I’ve been using uppermark’s q bank and over my last 20 practice exams I’ve averaged 82% with a stdev of 4.7 and a low of 72 on the multiple choice and have been doing solid on the essays. I’m thinking about mostly focusing on the essays for the next week or two (test on 16th) and trying to make sure I get at least 2/3rds of the points there. Assuming I can get 20 points on the essays, and can keep my MC above my low of 72(which would put me a hair above 70) would I be in the realm of passing?

How does uppermark compare to the actual level 2? Anyone have past anecdotal experience? Any other essay bank worth checking out? I’m really not looking to study for this exam again.

I used the UM test bank for level 2 and found it to be helpful studying for the essays. The structure is the same on the exam and similar difficulty in my experience. Your results are slightly higher than mine were and I ended up doing very well on the exam. Use the next 2.5 weeks to do mock exams and review the articles/areas from the book which you may not understand 100%.

Good luck on the exam

Generally the mock q banks are harder than the actual thing

If you are getting 82% +/- sigma of 4.7% then you’re in good shape for MCQ. Better now to get a good grip on the articles/Standards and practise CRQs. I found the Uppermark test bank useful.