Curriculum VS Kaplan Schweser

Hi guys,

Im about to start preparing CAIA Lvl 1, and I have to buy study materials.

For those with previews experienced, do you think it is enough with this package “Essential Self Study Package” that includes:

SchweserPro™ QBank


Schweser’s QuickSheet

Practice Exams

Thanks in advance

I dont think any study materials are necessary for L1. The workbook and study guide provided by the CAIA were enough.

I wish I’d read this before dropping $$ on schweeez. I’m finding inconsistencies in their books. I don’t think its a polished product for CAIA yet

I’d recommend Kaplan, although if I have to retake L2, I will be using Uppermark. I think that the material especially on L2 was presented much better with Kaplan and the questions matched the difficulty of the exam. Also its a bit early to start prepping for L1 in september…

material for KAplan is better presented, their Qbank is horrible though.

Not sure what the fuss is against Schweser. Used for both CAIA 1 and 2, and thought the exam was well represented according to how it’s structured in the notes. Never heard of uppermark nor would I ever switch from Schweser considering it helped me pass all three CFA exams and L1 CAIA. Don’t really expect a different result for CAIA L2, but we will see.

thanks for all the comments.

I know it is too early to start preparing CAIA Lvl 1, but i am a Consultant and at work days I close the computer at 12.

Many colleages studied CFA1,2 and 3 with Schweser, and they recommended to me.

I am asking you, because I dont know anybody who has studied CAIA in my environment.

Finally, i am ordering Schweser materials for CAIA L1 sept16.

Used both. Uppermark QBank was a huge help in Level II.