Anyone get any results yet?

I’m in London and no word here, are they supposed to be released on US time?

Its 8.12 AM EST and no results yet

Try and register for L2. That is the way I checked.

Results are on: PASS


PASS Does anyone know if you get a breakdown like in the CFA?


PASS I think a CFA like breakdown is to follow in the next couple weeks.


Passed! They just say pass, fail, etc today then send another email next week to tell you to access the breakdown

Pass Breakdown comes by email in 7-10 days

Does anyone know the pass rate, i’m curious, lots of passers here!

PASS… if anyone knows the pass/fail rate that would be great…I’m guessing 67% pass others???

Pass. Now when the hell do i write level 2? I’m writing level 2 in June for CFA, don’t have time to do both. Looks like I’ll be spending my summer studying.

Don’t know for this time; but for level one pass rate is normally in 70’s.

I’m taking level 3 CFA next June, so i will do level 2 next September. I think its too ambitious to try and do level 2 in March?

Passed. I’m shocked. There must have been a hell of curve. I don’t think I deserved to pass, the caia set the bar low.

brewey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I’m taking level 3 CFA next June, so i will do > level 2 next September. I think its too ambitious > to try and do level 2 in March? +1

If it were me brewery, I’d finish CFA solo in the spring. I’m debating doing level II CAIA along with a CFA level II retake, I was band 10 last year. That has me on the fence. any thoughts y’all?

Judging by the fact that there is not one single fail yet it must have been really low.