Second thougts on Accepted Job Offer

I recently had a job offer for a middle office position with a very reputable firm that manages money for large institutions, which I happily accepted. I am very excited about working for this firm, however the role is not really in line with my long term career goals. However now I believe that may be offered an investment strategist position that I also interviewed for with a smaller regional firm, as they have asked me to come back for another meeting and also I just got a call about doing an interview for a sell side analyst associate role, which would be my dream job. I am uncertain about what to do b/c on the one hand, the firm that I accepted the offer from is a great firm, but I am not so excited about the job, but I may get an offer about these two other front office positions. I don’t know how bad it would be to go back on my acceptance for the from the first job if I am offered these other two. Can anyone give me some advice for this situation?

I’ve never done this but you could always start the job and then if you get the other position just tell your place that the job just isn’t what you were hoping for and that you think it’s best that you not stick around.

We just had a guy on our team do that, joined about a month ago and resigned yesterday. We had a meeting about it and there really was no hard feelings. Everyone just accepted that it wasn’t the right fit.

I know it’s a shit thing to do but it’s your career and your future. Even if you were honest with them I’m sure they’d understand you bailing on them for a FO position. They’d likely do the same if they were in your position.

Tell the other firms to accelerate the hiring process as you have an exploding deadline. Do what’s best for yourself.

I am also concerned about burning a bridge with this company by renegging my acceptance. Afterall, they have told other candidates that the position has been filled.

You will certainly be burning the bridge. The pros/cons are right in front of you, and you’ll find strong camps on both sides with good reasons why you should or should not reneg on this offer.

notice even numi said very little about it, and he typically writes long winded advice novels for these career types of posts.

Ultimately, you got to weigh your choices and decide for yourself. No one has enough detailed information as you do to choose wisely, so it’s up to you.

I have a similar question. What happens if you accept an employer’s offer and then give your current employer 2 weeks notice. Before the 2 weeks are done, your employer to be renegues on their offer for what in their mind is a valid reason: the position will be eliminated or they found the perfect candidate. Is there any legal action in this situation?

Isn’t this why you always sign a contract before resigning? Having said that, I got fired from my first job out of Uni the day before I was meant to start and only got 1000 pound sterling compensation. It was post 9/11 and they were downsizing.

Will bridges be burnt? Yes. But that shouldn’t be your primary concern.

At the end of the day, it’s all about PalacioHill, make the decision that right for you and make it with conviction. No regrets.

Apart from the career goals, it is whether either environment is suitable and pleasant for you to grow.

No matter how great the job is or how it matches your careers goals, as long as the environment and people are not supportive to your development, you wouldnt want to stay long in the job.