What a difference

Had lunch with a friend at a major tech company today who just came out and asked “so, would you be interested in coming to work here? I could put you in touch with some people and look around for you.”

So different from the usual “Why haven’t you hacksawed yourself yet? My ultra-hot assistant will find me some cheap front seat tickets to watch when you do it” approach from the financial crowd.

I wasn’t originally thinking of shifting, but I must confess that the whole environment felt a whole lot healthier and less slimy than much of the financial world; I am tempted…

Don’t leave the dark side of the force for the light.

we have cookies.

Finance is really polarized. I probably don’t like at least half the people I meet in this business. The other half are really amazing though. Most of my best friends work in the business and a few of them are practically brothers to me. I agree the hacksaw culture is way over the line and unnecessary. I think it exists because so many people have difficulty proving they have any skill so the credentials act as a proxy for skill. Most people who know what they are talking about don’t really care where you went to school. At least that has been my experience.

If I could go to Google I would in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t go to Facebook.

What major internet/tech companies are worth joining in Silicon Valley?

Google, Apple, Linkedin, Samsung…?

Not Facebook or Zynga.

Bravo Bchad! Keep up the positive momentum.

Ballmer just resigned today…coincidence, I think not. We’ll have Bchad running MSFT in no time trippling the ROIC.

Do it, your talents are wasted doing asset allocation. Plus, these tech firms could really learn something about capital allocation!

People shouldn’t knock working in industry, more openings, more stability, pay isn’t that off (especially considering the current state of finance). In fact, I don’t know why everyone’s still clamoring to get into finance