Ratings Agency -> Credit/fixed income at fund?

I’m currently at the final stages with one of the major 3 ratings agencies and although the role seems really interesting, i’m also planning for what i’ll be doing 3-5 years from now. Whether that is staying at the agency or moving to the buy side.

What I want to know is moving from a rating agency to debt financing, credit or fixed income a realistic or well-trodden path? It seems to make sense to me but I can’t find much info on the topic.

I honestly don’t know anyone that’s left the RA world once in. I think they’re good places to work, with a good track for advancement.

I’ve seen people move from FI origination type spots into RA, but not vice versa. Not that I don’t think it could happen. I see the skillset more comparable to an FI research type role, but I’m just some corporate finance dud so what do I know.

Thank you for the reply geo, I agree that FI research seems like a natural move.

I’ve heard of it happen before, but you’ve got to really be on your game. One particular case was moving into a pension fund FI portfolio manager position after a few years in RA. Not impossible but you really need to be good and impress.