Staying after a counter offer

Is it just a blanket bad idea or does this ever work out?

Ok, what happened this time?

Secured a good offer from a company after an interview process where I met about 100 people. Current company offered higher and I’m tempted. The established view on this scenario is that if uou stay you’ll probably end up going elsewhere within the year anyway. I wondered if anyone had any insight on why that is and it ever worked out in their experience?

I doubt there will be any repercussions, other than that you will be paid more. Look, everyone knows good employees are prospected by other companies. Everyone understands that you want money too. What sort of industry do you think this is?

Obviously, the first thing to do would be to ask the other company for a better offer though…

I did it on good terms and stayed ~18mths afterwards. Then interviewed with them a few years later to go back for a different role (ended up not taking it). It was fine, depends on the people I suppose. Still talk to some of them today.

Caveat being it was my first job and junior role…I’d think the mindset changes as seniority and responsibility increase.