How do the job duties differ of a Senior Analyst and a junior associate in research?

Is it the job of junior associates to keep track of models and news, while the senior analyst just does marketing?

Would love to know from someone who works in EQR.

differs from industry to industry…For me i started off at a hedge fund straight outta ugrad which is very rare because hedge funds are a small group of people with niche skill set. They operate lean and efficiently - divide their incentive bonus pool with fewer people as possible. For me, i started off updating excel models…this is all i did for the first 6 months…update excel and update word docs to make it pretty for the internal investment meetings. read articles here and there and familiarized myself with 10ks and few of the sell side analysts…fast forward 10 years i mainly work on higher end of work of modeling…mainly catalysts and investment thesis and the overall picture…my days of plugging in numbers from bbg terminal or 10ks are slowly dwindling down which is a very good thing. Gotta graduate from excel and modeling stuff and move on to people skills - meeting with mgmt teams of the companies researching and asking the right questions - and ability to see the big picture - the industry and economy as a whole and not dwell on discount rates or company’s operating CF in 6 years , etc. Many PMs and CIOs at funds can’t remember the last time they worked on a dcf model or proforma themselves…