Fixed Income Analyst / Portfolio Analyst Role

Can someone who is currently working in a Fixed Income Analyst / Portfolio Analyst Role share their day to day activities in the role.

Could mean a ton of different things. Depends on the company.

Fixed income analyst could be simply looking for bonds to buy for a fund or strategy, or analyzing exposures/duration/stats of fixed income portfolios, etc.

Portfolio analyst could be either looking for securities (bond and/or stock) or doing more holistic asset management type stuff - moving money in between asset classes in client portfolios. Or something more boring like just running reports on client portfolios.

You gotta know the portfolio inside and out so that you can be brought in on sales calls/pitches. YOU’RE supposed to be the expert, the salesman is supposed to be the salesman.

Go buy one of those casio watch calculators. You’ll get the job no doubt. I have several.