Moody people

How do you deal with the moody people at work? Recently, new guy has joined my team. He is a bit older than me and seems to be a bit bossy. He is doing a lot of errors (what drives me crazy) and each time I am drawing his attention to be more accurate or ask him to amend, he is taking offence… like a kid. I have never seen someone so moody at the workplace. How do you handle such people?

Gotta keep your emotions in check at all times and remain professional. If he is disrespectful or offensive, ie crosses the line, then I would bring it to the attention of your boss by asking for 5-10 minutes of their time. Grab an empty conference room and chat about it real quick.

Sprinkle some MDMA in his morning coffee.

What do you do?

What I do is simple, if it’s a problem, I fire them.

What about incompetent people?

PS: ya hiring?

Give him some special brownies.

Depends on where you are and what you do.

This morning… he has accused me of being bossy and unkind. Haha. I always prefer to work with guys but he is definitely an exception.

Destroyer, Are you looking for someone special? :wink:

Well that escalated quickly.


I just ignore their emotions, eventually they figure it out.

Escalation is my spécialité :wink:

ce soir et pour toujours

This might be the worst troll account of all time

Yes, it might be ;-). Igor, are you from Ukraine? do you live there?

There are 3 types of people in this world; pus s y’s, a s sholes and d i cks. This dude is being an as s hole, and ur being a pu s sy… but d icks fu ck pus sy’ s, and they also f uck ass h oles. so go be a big dic k and f u ck this a s shole so he knows ur the big d ick around here… stop being a pu s sy about it.

This is why I only use Fitch and S&P.

POKHIM - that word needs an “ies” not a “y’s”.

Hire prostitutes to pretend to be just normal sluts and seduce him, the cheapest kind possible. Worst case is the guy becomes in a better mood. Best case is he gets AIDS.