Converting UWaterloo grades to 4.0 GPA scale

At University of Waterloo we use % grade out of 100%. How do I convert this to the 4.0 GPA system? Different sources online use different scales. I’ve been informed by americans that they go “WTF” when they see the % grade instead of a 4.0

Convert as follows: 90-100%->4 80-90%->3 70-80%->2 60-70->1 <60->0

Using It converts to a 3.17/4.0

so thats your gpa then…

adavydov7 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Convert as follows: > > 90-100%->4 > 80-90%->3 > 70-80%->2 > 60-70->1 > <60->0 Shouldn’t that depend on each college’s grading scale? Especially if grades are curved in some colleges, a 70% may well be an A.

^Those are the commonly accepted and standard scales used at most accredited universities in the United States. Curve or no curve your grade is reported as a letter which corresponds to these values regardless of your actual % grade in the class. I would assume that at UW, since no letter grades are given, the % final grade is curved up to fall in the desired range. If not the OP is SOL but can explain this fact to interviewers.

The marks at Waterloo are rarely if ever curved. What some profs do, is view how students do on the midterm and adjust the difficulty of the final accordingly to ensure about 65% class average.

student1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > At University of Waterloo > we use % grade out of 100%. > How do I convert this to the 4.0 GPA system? > Different sources online use different scales. > > I’ve been informed by americans that they go “WTF” > when they see the % grade instead of a 4.0 Why don’t you compare it to what’s done in other Canadian universities? McGill does it like that (or used to do it like that) : 85-100% = A = 4.0/4 80-84% = A- = 3.7/4 75-79% = B+ = 3.3/4 70-74% = B = 3.0/4 etc…

if this was the case, the uw math faculty had an average of 69% when i graduated. so entire uw math class graduated with a 1GPA?

i hate how canadian grad programs specify GPA. Are there schools in canada that actually use GPA system?