AF Dictionary?

I was thinking about possible new pages for the new AF. Would an AF dictionary be useful so that new (and old) members could lookup the lingo used here?

How about another Analyst Forum v2.0? Kidding! A dictionary would be nice

Chad- Dictionary would be great, esp. something that allowed for both useful terms (“what the heck is NPL coverage ratio?”) and funny terms (“My boss told me to RTFM, what does that mean?”).

An AF dictionary might be interesting to have. However, it will only be useful if it is comprised of terms that are unique to AF. If someone wants to look up a generic finance or internet term (like “RTFM”), they are going to use Google, not AF Dictionary. Before seriously considering an AF dictionary, we should list the potential entries to determine whether they are numerous enough to warrant a dictionary. Also, the only term that I’ve really seen people ask about is “qqqbee”. Maybe we should just have an article that chronicles His story.

Or we can invent phrases and start using those.

instead of a dictionary, why doesn’t the forum just build in code that gives a brief mouse-over effect So, if someone types in: AM If you hover your mouse over it, a small thing appears and says “asset management”, and it disappears as soon as the mouse moves away that would be cool

sounds like another wallstreet oasis idea.

Dictionary might be useful, you get a lot of beginners probably curious about what MO/BO/FO/BS/SS/ER/IB/IM/AM, etc are. If people could write grown up descriptions and put them in one locked thread, people could just say (see dictionary) when it was asked.

Can we get a new page dedicated to me?

I like AFs informal nature. Agreed google will solve most discrepancies (I just googled RTFM).

Yeah, there are definitely word collisions. Even something that lists a bunch of meanings could be helpful. PM - Portfolio Manager PM - Precious Metals PE - Price Earnings Ratio PE - Private Equity BS - buy side BS - balance sheet BS - bull s* IR - Investor Relations IR - Information Ratio etc…