CFA useful/necessary to break in?


I have experience in Government (policies re to public investment + exposure to investors) and I’d like to work in investment fund after the end of the policy/political experience. I have background in Economics (grad), plus work experience (3 years). As this will require a complete change of sector, I was wondering whether it would be useful/necessary to top up my experience with CFA exam to get hired by a fund.


it would certainly help incrementally. but you have to weigh the opportunity cost. I’m sure there are other things that could help more given the time spent on studying. but if you’re going to be watching TV, then yes CFA for sure

useful - yes

necessary - no

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CFA does carry a lot of weight, even if it’s not necessarily related to what you’re doing. The real question is whether you can commit to 300 hours least 3 times, taking over 18 months (at the very least) of your life to it.