Should I go for L2

Looking for some advice. I passed L1 last year while working/interning at a boutique firm. I recently left and took a job unrelated to finance (F500 company, business analysis related job). I have about a year of experience from the boutique, and i am thinking of going back into finance in the near future. Would having level 2 make me over qualified, make no difference, or be completely useless for me?

If you really believe you’ll go back into finance and you have the time, yeah, go for it. You certainly won’t be over qualified. It can only help.

Overqualified for what? I found when talking to recruiters that having L2 was a big plus. At the worst, you’ll have learned a few things.

If you really want to go back into finance and you are highly motivated… why not. It is a huge personal achievement and it will definitely increase your future work opportunities.

"It is a huge personal achievement and it will definitely increase your future work opportunities. "

Yes… it was great how my salary doubled after passing L2. My personal life also improved. I became more virile and started to emit a musk that attracts women.

I would go for it. After I passed level 1, I didn’t get any call backs on my finance job applications but got a few after I passed level 2. If you do 2, you might as well do 3…

You’re a nobody until you pass level 4.

Over qualified? Not following that. More like increase your chances.

If you are going back into finance some day, and you have the time now, go for it. Gaining the charter for personal reasons never a loss. Except you’d have to have requisite work experience of course.

I think you have to buy a Ferrari for that “more virile and started to emit a musk that attracts women” though…

Ohai, why you always pose like a joker and post a comment most of the times that does no help to others.

Depends, do you like study?

True, Ohai. Stop posing like a joker and joking like a poser.