Study Method

How did you all go about reading and studying the material?

I’ll have a bachelor’s degree in finance in December and plan to sit for level 1 in June. When studying my textbooks, I generally read the material and outline each section in my own words. This method has worked well for me, but it is a bit time consuming, and I’m not sure I would be able to get through all of the CFA material that way, given the timeframe I’ll have.

Leading up to practice exams, all you have to do is make highlighted notes in your textbook, do all of the BB + EOC problems, and create your own flashcards.


It’s time consuming, but writing things down has been proven to work best. Fortunately, it’s only level 1 so most of the material should be familiar to you.

Best way is to write your own version of the Scheweser reference sheet.

Thanks for the replies. I’d like to use the CFAI materials because I think I’d like the more thorough explanation of the concpets, but it is a lot to read.

^You’ll change your mind pretty soon.

Flashcards for each LOS helped me out, however I didn’t make those until the end when I wanted to review individual topics during practice exam period.

I used Kaplan, so maybe my strategy wouldn’t help you much, however this is really a test of memory, so repetition and practice problems is key. You can supplement your readings with Mark Meldrum video’s (free on youtube,) they helped me retain information for quant and equity. (He also offers a bunch of extra practice tests, but you have to pay for them)

If you go through a reading and don’t fully understand it, maybe try watching Mark’s video’s on that specific LOS, it could save some mental energy/frustration.

Everyone learns differently so I wouldn’t recommend straying too far from what works for you. For me, I didnt touch the CFAI material for any of the exams. Read through the scheiwser material (I’ve never been one to take notes or highlight textbooks), and then did a crap tonne of practice questions. For level 1 & 3 I also had access to the scheiwser videos which I watched in parcel with reading the chapters.

Similar boat as you. Just completed a master’s degree in Finance. Will sit for L1 in June.

The advice seems to be the same everywhere: BB + EOC problems, quiz banks, practice tests. Trying to read the CFAI material may cause you to run out of time to focus on what would really help the most in improving your test scores.

I did manage to read the Direct Path To The CFA Charter by Rachel Bryant. In the book, she mentions that the CFAI tends to focus more complex problems on subjects that are rotating off the testing schedule… can anyone verify if that’s true?