Where is San Jose test center

Hi everyone, I am just wondering if anyone knows the location of San Jose, CA test center. I know that once admission ticket is sent at the end of this month I will know, but I want to know in advance. Thank you!

I think it’s in San Jose.

good luck.

I meant which specific site. Like in Chicago it is McCormick Place.

Do you know the way to San Jose? I’ve been away so long. I may go wrong and lose my way Do you know the way to San Jose? I’m going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose

L.A. is a great big freeway Put a hundred down and buy a car In a week, maybe two, they’ll make you a star Weeks turn into years. How quick they pass And all the stars that never were Are parking cars and pumping gas


You’ve just been. . . #nerdy’d