NYC Study Group for Level I and Level II - NYCFinance via

We have a new meetup group called NYCFinance - most of our recent meetups have been to study for the Level I and Level II. We’re very small, as we’re brand-new, but I expect us to grow with better and better meetups scheduled.

I just passed the Level I, we have other members studying for the Level I and II. About myself: I spent a year in a finance PhD program, and did my MBA instead. I love the academic side of business, and I’m hoping we can branch into some meetups for discussion of academic papers on finance and management topics.

If nobody (aside from me) RSVPs for a scheduled meetup, I may cancel it, so if you RSVP, please *show up* (or release it if you can’t make it.) Dues are only $20 a year, and I intend to otherwise keep us free (I’m a coorganizer of a couple of very successful programming meetups that are completely free, but we arranged sponsors.) I need people to help me organize, so if you’re interested, let me know. Also, if you want to sponsor so I can eliminate dues, let me know.