Denver, CO, - Level 3 2019

Plan to start studying after labor day. I study at the DU library. We don’t have to follow each other’s schedules, you’re your own person, and know what works best for you - but in my opinion, having one or two available resources to talk things through probably wouldn’t hurt.

Besides, we can network off of each other + grab beers. That’s a win/win.

Definitely interested in having more than 1-2 resources and also finding out if you used Chalk&Board for previous levels and your thoughts on that resource. I don’t reside anywhere nearby, but phone contact is welcome!

I’m in Denver man. I’m done studying but in the area. You should pm me and I’m down to discuss the exam, etc. plus I like beer.

I’ll be in Denver on Monday night to watch my Chiefs destroy the donkeys.

Mahomes VS Keenum - yeah, seems fair to me.

Next time, we’re getting lit though.