Worst CFA Section

I hate the Tax section of CFA more than anything else. What would you guys hate the most?

Probabilities: i dont know from where a conditional probability appears which some unconditional probabilities

it has to be IFRS and GAAP convergence for me.

Long lived assets I think or taxes

Calculating cash flows… I never seem to get those right.

It’s close among some of the FRA topics but I’d have to agree with taxes.

I tend to get questions about the p-value consistently wrong although the quant methods section is otherwise my best.

for me its impossible to pick just one! I HATE DTL/DTA, USGAAP/IFRS differences and probabilities.

Taxes by far. I tried to read that section twice and each time it made absolutely no sense. Plus reading the word “tax” just makes you cringe.

DTL/DTA stuff, long lived assets, and macro econ stuff. Sometimes I approach the questions and I get frustrated and then I tell myself, that 1 outta 3 isn’t so bad and I move on.

IFRS and GAAP, all Econ (charts), leases. I had to go back to elementary probability just to finally manage that section.

this boring IS/LM Econ stuff that I can’t keep in mind…

Toss up between Econ and FSA. End of story :slight_smile:

lots of tax material in the L3 curriculum

my worst section was probably at the end of the last section…when the exam was over with =(