Worried about L1? Just Wait till L2...

I thought L1 had its challenging moments… L2 is an absolutely different beast. Think twice about devoting your entire life to L1… just to get ass raped at L2 and most likely L3

We have an entire thread dedicated to this already.

You barely finished Quants and already refer to IT as a “BEAST”! wow!!! … wait till you get to FRA, Econ and Derivatives … you may then think twice before dedicating the next nine months to L2!!!


The guy complains about each and every of the few LOS he has read by opening a thread starting with “XYZ wtf”. And then comes to scare off L1 folks…


pretty unnecessary thread to post in the level 1 forum I know plenty of people who struggled with or failed level 1 and then passed level 2 1st time round.

You have just pasted level 2 and barely started on level 3 and already advising people on level 3… wait until you get to the real world and try to find a job in the industry, you may want to think twice before dedicating more time to the CFA program!!! (i’m just playing ^_^)

I am an Investment Banking Analyst at Goldman in Boston… thanks NANA.

I wasn’t being serious… I just did it to continue the sequence. But good for you! :slight_smile:

Nana, any level 2 tips?

Hi Nana,

Where did I advise on L3? I referred to L2 :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about Level II or Level III. You already have plenty on your plate.

study like your life depends on it!!!