Not feeling secure to move on

I’m at SS7, at that’s probably the most boring SS so far… and I’m scoring over 90% on Qbank, Schweser Notes and CFAI EOC, and I can’t move on, I simply can’t recall all the characteristics of a coherent financial reporting framework, and those stuffs from R24. Should I move on or keeping reviewing until I can see the text in my mind?

move on, don’t get stalled. then do lots of practice problems

^ +1 C

Come back to it later when you review and you will retain it better.

First time around is about understanding, not memorizing.


Two good ways to remember arbitrary lists of junk, in my humble opinion:

  • Write them a bazillion times
  • Create a mnemonic for the list

keep moving, you will cover a lot more that could be expected on exam than getting bogged down on a single SS… I had problems in understanding the text at all three levels but I moved on and came back to them later, if I could understand, fair enough, if not…I would devise a rule that could bring the right answer