95% Confidence Interval

Hi everyone!

So I’m having problem with the following mock exam question. Which ‘‘p’’ are you supposed to use? 2.045 or 1.699? Is the question asking for one or two-tailed confidence interval? In my opinion, the confidence interval in calculated as 1.699* (0.12/30^0.5)= 0.0372, but in the answer sheet the answer is 2.045*0.12/(30^0.5).

ANyways, here’s the question:

In analyzing a set of 30 returns for a mutual fund manager with an average return of 6% and a standard deviation of observations of 12%, the estimated 95% confidence interval, using the table below, of the one-tailed probabilities Student’s t-distribution is closest to :

df p=0.025 p=0.05

28 2.048 1.701

29 2.045 1.699

30 2.042 1.697

"Confidence Interval"

That’s the major hint. Remember that a CI is a range of values that, statistically speaking, the assessed variable is likely to be or fall. The CI is centered at the mean, so if your confidence level is 95%, you use an alpha of 5% and distribute 2.5% at each tail. You must use p=0.025