EThics- reference to cfa

  1. Does saying that CFA helped me land a new job . Violation of cfa standard ?

No. Reference to CFA is only violated if you exaggerate your position within the program or say that it helped you obtain abnormal returns. There’s a few other scenarios where it’s violated but off the top of my head that it is the extent of what I can remember.

The reference to CFA program may be incorrect there. You should say something like, studying the CFA program helped me land a new job. Remember Standard (VII), responsibility as CFA candidate said “CFA” or “Chartered Financial Analyst” can only be used after a name or adjectives and not as nouns.

My grammar isn’t very good but for example, I am study CFA is incorrect. Maybe something like, I am studying for the CFA exam or I am currently enrolled in the CFA program. Anyway, I think you should get the idea.

Good luck on your exam.