Days of Inventory turnover should be on 365 or 360?

Hey Guys,

I am checking a financial model.

Basically for forecasting COGS. We have taken an assumption that Inventory days not to exceed 5 days and Number of working days in a year is 248. So while forecasting our Inventory should be something like:

No. of Inventory Days = 365 * Avg Inventory / Purchases.

Since we have the No. of Inventory days fixed at 5, so we need to know the closing inventory for the year that would be 5/365 * Purchases.

But the modeler here has made an assumption that the company will only operate for 248 days in a year based on the public holidays and weekends, so the actual cal. is based out of 248, which I think is wrong and overstates # of Inventory days.

Now my question can companies decide to forecast this on 365 or on the number of working days that is 248?


Use 365 or 366 depending on calendar year.

Some hints…Do you have inventory only on days of business? Is 5 days on inventory business days? …

Yaaa…the company who has done it…has taken it on days of business operation. Is that even right?