Ethic section hacking


I just started Ethics part (the last topic in my plan). In order to minimize time devoted to this section, I just went through schweser’s notes. But, during practice I get around only 50% of correct answers. Is there any ways to hack the learning of Ethics. Found two ways: 1) Read only examples in curriculum book (but there a lot of them); or 2) Do only practices and try to remember questions with answers.

Any suggestions?

This won’t get you far in the CFA Program. Re-read the material and do a lot (really, a lot) of practice. The core ethics material (the Standards of Professional Conduct I - VII) you will see at all three levels, so it’s definitely in your best interest to devote the time now to get comfortable with the different standards and how they present themselves in different ethics related questions.

“Ethics section hacking” sounds like a violation of Ethics. Well played.

Read from the official curriculum, not from schwesrsre. It is just 220 pages or so.

keep practicing while at the same time reviewing the standards, sooner or later, you’d see a pattern in the questions and some of them would click naturally.