Quant Help

Can someone help explain the concepts behind this better? I feel like these are basic things that I’m not thinking through correct. For the first question I wanted to calculate the annual rate of return as (103 / 90)1/5 – 1 not (103 / 90)1/4 – 1.

For the second question I’m performing the calculation of $3000 X (1+15%)^5 but end up with the answer $6,030 not the correct answer. There has to be something that’s not clicking for me here. Thank you for the help.


Over the next 5 years, MT Technologies expects to earn the following amounts:

Year 1

$90 million

Year 2

$76 million

Year 3

$92 million

Year 4

$105 million

Year 5

$103 million

The annually compounded growth rate based on the company’s forecasts is closest to:




You Answered Correctly!

Annual rate of return = (103 / 90)1/4 – 1 = 3.43%

Mary invested $3,000 in an account with an interest rate of 15% compounded continuously. After 5 years, the value of her investment will be closest to:




You Answered Correctly!

FV= PVert

PV = −$3,000; r = 0.15; t = 5

FV = $6,351

  1. Assume all CFs occur at the same point of the year. There will be exactly 4 years between year 1 and year 5

  2. Since compounding is continuous, you have no choice but to use ert. If compounding was annual, then you would use 1.155.

  1. the problem is that the period starts at year 1 instead of year 0. if it’s year 0 up to year 4, it would be more intuitive.

  2. continuous compounding employs the natural exponential number