What Kind of Job Can You Get After Passing the Level I CFA® Exam? (Sponsored)

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After months of studying, reviewing, hard work, and probably some nervousness, you’ve passed Level I of the CFA® exam. Now that you’ve conquered this first milestone, you might be wondering if it can help you in your career. If you’re in the final year of earning your bachelor’s degree, perhaps you’re wondering if passing Level I can open doors for you in your job search. Or, if you’re already working in finance, maybe you think it could help you get a better role. This article has the answers for you.

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You can land up at either of these places. To know what they are about, read along:

Investment banking : The game of moving the money from the client’s pocket to your pocket is called investment banking.

How do they do it? - IPO (set the initial sales price then sold those shares right back to our friends). M&A. Prop trading. Penny stocks. Remember Wolf of Wall Street?

Hedge funds : The number-one job of the hedge-fund manager is Not to make sure that you can retire with a smile on your face, - it’s for him to retire with a smile on his face.

As compared to investment banking, it’s a technical job. What’s common between the investment bankers and the hedge fund managers is the vision : they don’t care what anyone says as they know, Being rich is a good thing. Also known for the glamorous lifestyle (eg $26000 for a dinner :wink:

Equity research : non numerical role involves collecting information about the industry like SWOT, Porter etc. Numerical roles involve valuation using discounted cash flow models.

Consulting & strategy : the non numerical part of equity research (SWOT Porter) which usually is taught in management courses.

Risk management & derivative strategies : a role meant for introverts & geniuses. Their mind is very technical and you’ve there’s a lot of stats in the job.

Disclaimer: this comment is on a lighter note. It is not meant to hurt anyone!

Hilarious !