2007 vs. 2008

Hye there, Can anyone please tell me " What are the major changes for 2008 exam compare to 2007 ? ’ I heard that the accounting part is 90 % ,is it true ? or if I am using Schweser Note from 2007 will that be ok ? Thank you !

There is a good summary here from Manav… http://www.geocities.com/manavsachdeva/

Wow thank you so much BullPow

I just looked at that site: http://www.geocities.com/manavsachdeva/. However, I am not sure that you meant by asking “I heard that the accounting part is 90 % ,is it true ?” Can you clarify what you were asking.

she’s saying i heard FSA is 90% the same between 07 and 08

I disagree mate. FSA happens to be perhaps 80% different from 2007. In 2007, it was only US focused but now it does address IFRS. Unfortunately I read the FSA section of 2007 and 2008 and I realised reading 2007 wasted my time. S