has anyone every heard of someone leaving with an exam?

i dont plan to do it, but i’m just curious as to if anyone has every heard of someone leaving with the exam? i would assume it has happened before, but how possible is it?

haha it’s possible. it’s not like the proctors are club bouncers. you’ll have to run hard though since you’ll most likely be running through a lot of proctors unless you’re seated in the front. but i dunno what good it’ll do. they’ll have your information since you have assigned seats.

i know people who have been proctors, and proctered last year at the same location, but the one year i’m taking level one, they decide not to proctor. not that i would have used my connections for my benefit if that was the case since i’m a good little CFA candidate following our sacred Standards, but i’m curious as to how hard it would be for more devious people to devise a treacherous plan to pull of that feat. i guess if it has been done, very few people would have probably heard about it anyways.