CFA Level 1 Training in London by Finance-Grid

CFA Level 1 training for the December 2008 exam starts in London on September 2nd. Total 24 classes will comprehensively cover the entire curriculum in 3 months. Sabdezar Ilahi, CFA

how much does it cost

are there any classes like this in the Philadelphia or NYC area??

The CFA Program is being transformed from a self-study program into a training-led program. The reason is that the CFA Institute is forming strategic partnerships with Universities and Business Schools across the world to encourage them to adopt the CFA Program into their existing degree programs. This is resulting in a situation where students at these universities get the opportunity to obtain full semester-like classroom training, which obviously gives them an edge over those candidates who are attempting the exam on the basis of self study. In response to this, Financial Training providers across the world are offerring CFA Training Options to candidates. Such services are available in the several cities, offerred by various companies. I will not provide details of any programs or there prices at this forum.