'09 vs '08 Curriculum Change (Level I)

Hi everyone, I have the Level I '08 official curriculum and I was reading through Study Session 9 thinking it might not be much different from the '09 curriculum which I currently don’t have. Just out of curiosity, I looked up the '09 LOS Outline*(link below) and it seems to be signifficantly different from '08, for this Study Session at least. Not only are the LOSs worded different, but the authors have changed from White,Sondhi,& Fried to Robinson,Greuning,Henry,& Broihahn. The rest of the study sessions in Volume 3 (Financial Statment Analysis) seem unchanged. Can anyone please shed more light on this? Also, is there a link/document documenting the complete curriculum change from '08 to '09 so I don’t have to Sherlock this thing till I get my '09 curriculum next year? Thanks. Happy Holidays, Sri * http://cfainstitute.org/cfaprog/resources/pdf/LI_Outlines_Combined.pdf

Sorry for the bad copy paste but see if you can decipher it. Basically: a lot of changes in Econ/FSA/Equity Analysis. Some in Fixed Income and Alt Invst. ---- 2009 CFAI Subject New Changed Deleted Readings Study Sessions LOSs LOSs LOSs 1 Ethics 0 1 0 No change 2-3 Quantitative 0 1 0 No change Methods 4-6 Economics 8 8 6 SS05 - New edition of textbook SS06 - New edition of textbook One new reading 28 “An Overview of Central Banks” 7-10 Financial 23 24 13 SS09 - All readings have changed - Statement Topics are the same Analysis SS10 - Two new readings from L2 11 Corporate 1 2 0 No changes Finance 12 Portfolio 0 0 0 No changes Management 13-14 Equity 0 2 5 SS13 - No changes Analysis SS14 - Reading 56 (2009) is a combination of readings 56 + 60 (2008) Reading 58 (2008) deleted 15-16 Fixed Income 0 0 3 SS15 - Reading 66 (2008) deleted Securities SS16 - No changes 17 Derivative 0 1 0 No changes Instruments 18 Alternative 3 0 0 One new reading 74 - Investments “Investing in Commodities” Total: 35 39 27 2009 Total LOS Count = 474

Wow, that is hard to read. I can’t decipher it. Sorry, but is there another way I can view it?


Perfect! Thanks CP.