Still waiting for level 2 results, so leave us alone !

Just leave us alone with your questions news level 2 takers. We’re still waiting for our result in few days and frankly. How can we give you any advise before the results? You passed! So take your time and enjoy your success. Damn it!

I second that


4th and 5th

My first post for ages! Me too. Bog off.

yeah, 46% pass rate is a joke newbies, you have 10 months before the test, where you really only need at most 5-6 months, find some hobbies to do for the next 5 months.

erobak Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just leave us alone with your questions news level > 2 takers. We’re still waiting for our result in > few days and frankly. How can we give you any > advise before the results? You passed! So take > your time and enjoy your success. Damn it! +infiniti (and no not the car company)

totally agree with this

I agree with this too… a new level 2 candidate. Guys we just passed level 1, and level 2 is like 10 months later, please don’t fry your brains right now. Enjoy the success and be reasonable, I think starting around January should be fine. Wish you good luck level 2 folks.

i haven’t posted in a while but i seriously have to agree to the nth power… congrats to those who passed L1 and moving up to this board, but for those of us who are still waiting for the results, at least some consideration would be nice. u guys can’t wait for another 3 weeks for past L2ers to dish advice? are u guys seriously going to start hitting the books now for 6/2010? thanks… ~end rant

I agree. get a life and leave us alone

yeah this would probably annoy me too if I was still in “waiting” mode. sorry - don’t mean no harm. we’re just excited/eager. point taken. Best of luck to you. cheers.

I’m a new level 2 taker and I agree as well. I don’t quite understand the eagerness, because although I’m thrilled that I passed, if I remember correctly, studying for the CFA sucks monkey balls.



+1… word.

don’t put your “i’m a new level 2 candidate” :stuck_out_tongue: … some of us here are anxious of getting renewed. We shall all be new again, so don’t brag it.

46% pass rate? Holy smokes, thats a big surprise.