S for Swaps,S for scary

I am really having a tough time trying to solve the questions on Swaps (both from EOC/Question Bank). I need to see the solved example to solve an unsolved question. Is it only me or all potential L2s are feeling the same ?

S for SuckS *SS I just finished derivatives a few days ago and swaps gave me a huge headache. I think the derivatives section was the hardest in the curriculum. Anyways, looking at the answer is ok if you understand exactly what’s going on. But you take the chance of memorizing answers and not skills required for the answer. So be careful!

S is for simple…take 10 minutes, and read my method for doing swaps here: http://www.analystforum.com/phorums/read.php?12,1123022 It may take you a few minutes, but when you understand that method for calculating swaps, they chapter gets way easier. Trust me.