Weekend Study Process

What do you guys do to study most effectively on the weekend? I find it difficult to stay focused and productive for the entire day… What are your strategies to stay focused and general process? i.e. drink coffee every X hours, switch between EOCs, Qbank, Secret Sauce every few hours?

I find switching between topics helps. Also, switching between reading, EOCs, and qbank is helpful. Coffee is a obvious one. Breaks every once in a while, such as to go jogging, are good. Maybe find other people to study with? That might add a little excitement.

I drink lots of water in order to be reminded from time to time that I should move my body, to the toilet. I Also switch things once I get too bored with one area.

I’ve been going to the library recently. No tv, no internet, no distractions.

My weekends change, but for this coming weekend I plan on doing a Schweser Volume 1 exam Sat morning, grade/review it Sat afternoon, and maybe read a little about one of the weak areas. Total time will be maybe 5 hours or so of studying. Repeat on Sun.

funnily enough when having a bad time on EOC questions and Qbank - I pick up some of the reading in the chapters…Ethics is actually calming after I get sh@t on by FRA and Derivs questions…triangular arbitrage aint triangular - i seem to just go in circles!

hahahaha. good joke, kalo1. leave your e-mail if you can. maybe i can help you with triangular.

Stay late in office during the week, library on weekends. I swear by this approach.

JaRvEy: my email is kalogiroupaul@hotmail.com Not touched triang arb for a while given my FEAR… Any help most welcome, cheers

Library. Great place. Don’t take your laptop with you, I print exams and go.

I start smoking every time the exam gets close. Dont smoke at work so weekends are bad in terms of a smoking break, every 2-3 hours. I do hope I pass this “THING” in the near future. I will definately need the money for a lung transplant in 15-20 years.

get up early (say 5 am) and by noon or 1 pm put in about 6 hours of study. that will help you get done much work on a weekend morning. you can then enjoy the whole day and do all the other work. you can read whatever you want in the evening. also i make it a point to play/some physical activities to keep the body fresh (esp while the exams are near!) also keep drinking fluids while you read. it helps you study better. switch off mobiles and close all doors and windows and dont keep any watch near you (unless doing an exam).

I get up early weekdays to study, so weekends I just let my body get up whenever it happens [maybe 10AM ish]. Do lots of problems, review whatever I worked on during the week. Read the secret sauce and then take a mock. Weekends for me are my mock exam time. I take them seriously, timed and no notes [even if I expect to fail them, at least I get another mock experience and see what sections are my weakest, which sets my review agenda for next week]. In between study sessions, try and keep moving. Walk around the apartment and make my bed, prep a snack, do some dishes, call a friend or whatever. Usually do about 1 hour on, 20 mins off, and I can keep that up from wakeup time till late afternoon - probably 5-8 hours - because it’s less intense.