Kaplan Login Struggles

Is anyone else having trouble with logging into Kaplan? I was watching one of their videos when the presentation crashed. I logged out of Kaplan, tried to log back in, then got the ‘please wait three minutes cause you’re already logged in’. Once the time was up, I tried again, the screen froze. I closed the browser, started it up again and on my next login attempt my account is locked due to too many invalid attempts.

Huh? I was just in, then they recognized I was already in, then say I’m invalid for up to 24 hours? Guess my study plan for today is out the window. Thanks Kaplan!

Yea, I ran into that crap a couple of times. I think it may actually reset after an hour, but not sure. The way I actually got around it was by emailing their customer service. They were able to reset my account within a couple of hours.

Overall, it’s retarded that they lock you out like that, especially on the weekends.

Sure enough, reset after the hour and Im back in. What a joke. Well guess my break is over

happened to me. I did a forgot your password reset and was back in within 10min.