I know there is a survey that has been already initiated, but then posting result will be fun on its own. Please post your results here!!!

All the best guys!!

Edit your thread. Use CAPITAL letters in the title. Put the year 2013 in it. Elso it is not going to look OFFICIAL.

im scared- waiting till EOD lol

who’s going to be the first one to post it

Pass Rates

June 2013 Exam Pass Rates

  • Level 2 - 43%


Since the test was easy and the pass rate was 43% that means that the MPS was probably high meaning I probably failed.

It means it’s probably been the same as it’s always been!

What time they will start emailing??

good luck everyone ><

CFAI has outsourced the emailing of results to a socialist country. Results will be available after the government mandated 2 hour lunch break and is subject to staff availability.

and the waiting continues

No one online here yet

still waiting … i’m listening to Celine Dion now!!!

31 mins and still nothing , quite distressing

very few people online now ? where r all ?

anyone got?

I guess everyone is afraid (inclcuding me) to come online and check thats very few poepl present now on AF,

The last two years my emails have been sent (but definitely not received) at 36 and 46 minutes past. So imagine some (un)lucky people will get news soon whilst others wait on gmail servers to do thier worst…