Incorporating videos into studying plan

I was curious how everyone who bought videos incorporates them into their studying plans

Do you first read a section then watch the video (Seems like this would take up too much time) or do you watch the video and take your notes from there? Or only watch videos for sections you don’t understand well from reading?? Etc

I’m trying to get a game plan together and but I can’t find a way that fits me yet using videos and study guides so I was curious how everyone else used them


I mostly watch the videos for readings where I need more clarity.

Saving other videos for revision a month before the exam.

same here. I watch videos or part of videos if I didn’t quite grasp the info from reading. I was thinking of watching the videos for all, but that would take waayy too long. I think if you are comfortable with some of the readings, you could watch the videos instead of the readings as some people do here, but I prefer readings and taking my own notes. Do whatever works for you to learn and retain the material, test it out

I watch the videos first, then do the reading. I am able to move through the readings faster after watching the vids. I guess it would be best to try dif. methods and find the one that works best for you.