Expected MPS Range

What would you guys say is a reasonable expectation within which the MPS will most likely be?

Maybe something like: 64-68?

Between 0 and 100

68 seems high. 65.

I guess it is 70% of teh top 1%. so if we said some people can get 108/120 which is 90%. Then the MPS should be 70% of 90% which is 63% or 75/120. This is just my best calculated guess.

This was band 10 last year…hopeful this year though!



Max Pts




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MPS will surely be higher than 80/120 considering Band 10 scores of last 3 years. It will definitely not be less than 80/120. Look at the score posted above as well. This guy cud hv well scored 78/120

well, 80/120 is 66.6% and this is somehow high. I am more towards 75/120 or around this range.

Good Luck for everyone!

My guess is 78/120 +/- 2 depending on the curve.

Man I wish MPS low as possible but to say the truth 62.50% should be ‘no pass’. The only safe figure I think is 70%. Because there are only 120 questions with 20 stories. You can have 66.67% which is 4/6 per story. Then either they allow some 3/6 stories as pass or they allow min 4/6 with some 5/6-6/6 as pass. 62.5% is 5 stories of 3/6 - looks way to ideal for a student (sad to say)

It’s called vignettes.

I wouldn’t say the MPS drops below 65%, especially for an exam of this year’s caliber. It should be on the high end of historical ranges.

With more candidates they will encrease MPS to reduce absolute number of charter holders. 160k* 0.39

I’d say 80/120 is the MPS.

The MPS is a relative measure. And it never goes above 70%, and doubtfully gets even close.

They make exams or curriculum harder for that purpose.

By the way, they might give credits to all students for couple of questions in case there was an error or unclear answers. or if everyone got it wrong for example. 75/120 , 76/120 is my range.

There might be some adjustment for Ethics too. If did really well in Ethics you might get a minor adjust to life you up , and teh opposite way if you did really bad, they will bring you down.

I think the MPS is 55% based on prior experience

If the MPS dropped to 55% I probably will drop out of this program.

i want my refund

65% tops. I think it will be 62-64%.

If this is a Band 10 score, i have a shot at passing…

How do you read this?