Best order for Level 2

Hi All,

I’ve done my first run through of Derivatives, and almost completed PM (both fairly short).

Which would be the best topic order to commence with now:

I’m thinking QM as I will be comfortable with this…then the 2 big ones (FRA/EQ) then the remainder with Ethics reading and Qs as a supplementary throughout the next 4 months


imho, FRA should be given priority and then equity, corp finance and fixed income. Ethics you can do at the last but plz make sure you practise enough problems.

how did u find derivatives and PM? difficult?

Take a look at this:

I used their suggested approach in level 1 and the flow of reading and studying was very nice

the flow is quite a bit different from wt i planed

will try to follow their suggestion!

did you follow that format? Can you give us a review?