Equity Valuation using FCFF

Why is that while calculating FCFF using EBITDA and EBIT i nterest tax shield gained _ isn’t _ added back? If it has to do with the beginning point of calculation, why is it that while calculating FCFF using EBITDA t ax shield gained by depreciation is added back?

FCFF = NI(1-t) + Int(1-t) + NCC - FCInv - WCINv

Where NI = Net Income

t = Tax rate

Int = Interest

NCC = Non cash charges

FCInv = Fixed capital investment

WCInv = Working capital investment

If we assume that NCC = Depreciation

FCFF = NI(1-t) + Int(1-t) + DEP - FCInv - WCINv


FCFF = (EBITDA - DEP-INT)(1-t) + Int(1-t) + DEP - FCInv - WCINv

=EBITDA(1-t) - DEP(1-t) - INT(1-t) + Int(1-t) + DEP - FCInv - WCINv

FCFF = EBITDA(1-t) - DEP(t) - FCInv - WCINv

Oh god, thank you! After spending countless hours pondering over the subject I feel stupid in realizing that simple math was the answer behind it. Thanks again!

My pleasure and good luck.

P.S. I felt the same before trying the algebra, so, we’re in the same boat.