Fair dealing

Allocate orders based on the order size and not depending on the portfolio size (even for IPOs) Different levels of services do not applicable to allocation of IPO shares Are the above statements correct? Tx

Also if the account is not suitable for a particular allocation not sending research information to that account is a violation?

Looks like you are testing the forum members. In that case also provide us the 3 answer choices…


very tricky standard REMEMBER two steps recommendations & actions

1.when the full amount of the block order is not executed, allocate partially executed orders among the participating client accounts pro rata on the basis of order size while not going below an established minimum lot size for some securities 2. allocate by client not portfolio manage 3.oversubscribed issue should be prorated to all re your question Each client has unique needs, investment criteria, and investment objectives, so not all investment opportunities are suitable for all clients. that statement addresses your concern


I thought a bit about your good question

Good business practice dictates that initial recommendations be made available to all customers who indicate an interest. That mean suitable too I guess. Although a member n_ eed not communicate a recommendation to all customers _, _ the selection process by which customers receive information should be based on suitability and known interest _, not on any preferred or favored status in other simple words - do not distribute uniformly to all. hope that helps

Fairly does not mean equaly..This is what I remember since L1.